Summer is the time of expansion and also the season of the heart so many will feel emotionally a bit off as the summer goes on if the heart energies aren't recharged and if they may not be fully balanced. How does this show it itself? Well for some it is mania which feels good expanding us out and pushing us to our limits but it is ultimately depleting. For some it might be a touch of depression or an unexplained feeling of the soul simply feeling weary and worn down. It can manifest as complaints or oversharing your burdens with everyone around you. Now these feelings can be year round for some people but for some they are just inexplicably popping up now.
What can you do to clear that energy? Slow down and do heart nourishing activities. It is time to swing in hammock and dip your toes in a river. Speaking of water it is one of the most healing ways to refresh your mind and body quickly. Go for a swim at a local lake or walk a stream bed where the rocks will massage all the reflexology spots in your feet. Be sure to hydrate well to help your body eliminate any toxins that it can. You will feel so refreshed that you might find your body regularly craves such excursions. Take a quiet moment to journal or listen to music in a soothing place in nature. Or just sit and BE if you can manage.