The most important things I see right NOW is that we need to all be mindful and vigilant but not allow the anxiety of the situation to overrun us. This is a situation that will unfold over time. It is a long foot race not a sprint.
Stay Safe!
Yours in health,
Things to consider in order of importance to me.
- What is the benefit and risk of the activities you are participating in? It may be that some dearly held event you planned on attending needs to be reconsidered. It may be that laughing with friends is the best medicine for you right now if you are not feeling an immediate threat of exposure. It may be that your kids need a break from the stress of this and need an outside play date! The choices will be different for each person but honestly on you can do your own risk analysis based on your risk tolerance.
- What do you have on hand for the short and long term to support your basic physical needs in your home? An extra big bag of rice and canned goods might give you a sense of peace that you won’t have to run out for groceries on a day that you are feeling stressed about doing so. Don’t panic buy but do buy those things you would be buying anyways and just have more stock on hand. As a previous prepper I could talk extensively here but honestly a little pre-planning will be worth it.
- What are you doing to stay positive and destress? Stress depletes the body’s ability to adapt and heal. I know it is hard right now for so many! But your attitude and how you spend your energy now is what is going to make this experience what it is. A slight shift can do wonders. Yes be prepared but think of the positive of a whole day to spend reading on the couch with no other commitments. Mornings of board games with your kids and evenings of read-alouds. Make this experience what you can for yourself and your children. Remember our body operates as a whole and whatever you do to keep your spirits up will help you emotionally and physically.
- There are layers of levels of immune system and we need to keep that in mind. In Western medicine preventative medicine is often overlooked. In the immune class I taught recently to my herbal intensive class I shared the different ways we look at supporting the immune system. See below to learn more.
- Do all those basic things that you have always known you should. You know, those things your mom told you to do! Reduce sugar and alcohol, get good sleep, drink water, meditate, DO BREATH WORK to strengthen your lungs. Treat you body as if you are preparing for the most fun challenge you can think of. Call it training for the Olympics to make your kids feel better. Make it a game and not a drag!
- Keep your hands and environment clean – We’ve all read about not touching our face. Now is the time to also double down your efforts in sanitizing your phone, computer, door knobs etc. Think about all the things you touch in public and educate your children how to reduce contact with them. At home run an essential oil diffuser for 30 min a day (if you don’t have cats in your home.) What is the magic oil? Well nearly all have antimicrobial properties. Some key ones might be Frankincense and Tea tree oil.
- Adaptogens – These herbs improve the body’s ability to handle physical and environmental stress. Many are mildly calming plus normalizing your endocrine system. If you are doing all the other basics of good sleep, good diet etc. this is basics PLUS level self-care.
- Supporting wei-qi – This is our energetic resistance to disease. It is nourished by some adaptogens and other herbs like Astragalus. It is also nourished by doing Qi Gong and through mindful energetic practices. Find a Qi Gong routine like this one on YouTube if you don’t feel comfortable taking a class in the community. At Omaha Whole Living Sarah Brandt teaches Qi Gong regularly and you can check out this link.
- General Immune support – In by opinion this is a good time for regular doses of Vitamin C and Vitamin D. The store may be out of these as vitamins but look at the foods that contain Vitamin C such as citrus fruits. Mushrooms can be a good source of Vitamin D. Food is medicine so don't panic when you can't find that supplement on the shelf. Simple herbs like garlic provide general support as well. Your grocery aisles are full of healing foods. This is a good time for healing ginger baths as well so pick up a couple roots to have on hand.
- Immune stimulating herbs – There are herbs such as Elder and Echinacea that stimulate the immune system through a variety of mechanisms. There has been speculation about uncertainty in the herbal community as to whether these herbs are helpful or could potentially over-activate the immune system for this virus. You might like to read more from The Science and Art of Herbalism which is the program I teach from Rosemary Gladstar. For my house we will continue to use them as needed to keep our immune system well from the plethora of germs that are still circulating. Once one of us is suspected of having coronavirus we will reconsider using these herbs and move to our next protocol.
- Immune amphoteric and modulating herbs – In the world of herbs we have immune amphoterics and modulators. These herbs balance our immune reaction. It includes many herbs you might not have heard of but some you have such as Reishi mushroom and Turmeric. These types of herbs are those that my family will begin taking once I feel that they have been exposed. Are they a cure for coronavirus!? NO! They are simply herbs that I feel are helpful in supporting the body with immune situations that include inflammation.
- Alteratives – As our body reacts to a virus it creates waste in the body. To help support our lymphatic system I would also use herbs such as Sarsaparilla and Burdock root to assist the body in the process. Epsom salt baths might be something that I employ at this time.
- Keep in mind that I am here for you to the extent that I can be but your preparedness is your responsibility. Also while I am providing general suggestions here I will not individually (by email or social media) be answering questions. I will also only be providing custom immune support to those who are current clients. While I would like to be there for everyone that I can, the truth is that given the high risks of this virus it puts me in a very difficult spot and all it takes is one person with a bad experience or of a vindictive nature to make my life very difficult when all I want to do is help.