Many people spend more in a month on a cup of coffee or a new shirt than their health. I understand that many people spend a lot of money on health insurance and in their minds that is their "health budget." But what is it that health insurance is insuring us from? In all honesty, it seems to me, it only insures our illness and not our health. It is "sick" care and not "health" care or it would put more stock in good nutrition, exercise and proactive health than reimbursing for tests and prescription medications. For many it is mostly insuring us from catastrophic illnesses. That is in my mind like waiting for your engine to blow a gasket before paying attention that the oil needs changed.
What if there is a better way!? In my mind there is but many are simply removed from it in our busy lives that are often on autopilot. If you are one those people who are ready to shift out of autopilot and think more proactively about your health I hope that you will stick around. I will be sharing recipes, tips, and class offerings on this blog. If you are want more immediate help with your health goals consider setting up a consultation with me. I'd be happy to help you on your journey towards a fuller life and better health.