In western medicine tests are performed, lab results are reviewed and you are matched with a drug. Often there are no suggestions as to how to improve your quality of life beyond the drug. In herbalism we turn that notion on its head. We WANT you to understand your body and how YOU can support your body through diet, lifestyle changes, mindset shifts, and the use of personalized herbal recommendations.
This education happens through personal consultations as well as classes. This month I am offering two classes that you might find helpful. The first is a spring detox class that is more aptly about how to nourish you liver. How do you know if your liver has an issue? Your doctor might even say that your liver enzymes are fine! Well from an herbal perspective there are signs well before liver enzymes are off. Some simple questions are do you have acne or skin issues? Do you have seasonal allergies? Do you have intense mood shifts particularly around your cycle? Do you have blood sugar highs and lows? Do you have energy issues? All of these can point back to a liver that needs some support. If you want to learn more this class is this WEDNESDAY!
The second class is Women's Health. It is a topic that I am passionate about as so many women are led to believe that they must suffer with little support throughout their reproductive years. They suffer with cramps, mood swings, excessive bleeding, fertility issues, hormonal headaches, anxiety, post par tum depression and more. Often their concerns are not so severe as to warrant prescriptions or their doctors dismiss their symptoms or have little to offer.
The world of herbs has LOTS to offer women. Simple herbs that can easily change your quality of life. And once your eyes are opened to this you will no longer want your sisters, daughters, or mothers to needlessly suffer. I know it sounds like big promises but it can truly be life changing for some. This class is a longer workshop and is being offered April 22nd. I hope to see many of you there.